Change is Here!
In these uncertain times, we've been working hard to find new (and safe) ways to bring you the programming you enjoy and the produce that nourishes you.
Plant Sale is online. The online farm store is open for plant sale purchases. Browse the Plant Sale today! Orders placed by Thursday May 7 will be available for pickup on Saturday May 9. Learn more or get growing.
CSA (Farm) Share: Sale! All New Member Fees will be waived for the next 5 weeks! New Members: Sign up for your CSA (Farm) Share by Friday May 22 to receive the discount. Save today.
Invite a Garden Educator into your home -- Virtually, of course! Our Education team has been hard at work putting together read-alongs and other materials to support students in distance learning and keeping gardens growing for when students return. Learn more.
Distribution is going drive-thru. Unlike our usual market-style pickup, CSA this year will begin with pre-packed shares. Make your selection for the week online, we'll pack it up and have it ready for you at our drive-thru distribution day. (As soon as it's safe to go back to our regular, market-style pickup -- you bet we will!) Learn more or get your share.
Pick Your Own will continue. That's right: you can still pick! CSA members will sign up for a weekly picking slot, to limit the number of people picking and make social distancing easy. And we'll have hand-washing stations available in the field. Learn more or sign up for CSA to get PYO access.
Free meals made with PFP produce. In need of meals or groceries? Our amazing partners Dutchess Outreach and Community Collaborative (a collaborative community food program of Hope on a Mission, Community Matters II, ChangePoint Church and Bread of Life) are offering both, with PFP veggies! (We've donated 5,000 lbs and counting.) Learn more or support our donation efforts. **Note: This photo was taken mid-March before masks were recommended!**
Buying local is easy and safe. In addition to plants, vegetable boxes, and a new way to browse CSA (Farm) Shares, our farm store is an easy way to shop for local products like Back Paddock Farm grass-fed beef and North River Roasters fair trade coffees, roasted fresh here in Poughkeepsie. Support small businesses.
Check back for more updates to other farm & education programs. We'll be posting updates here first.
Stay safe, take care of each other, and we’ll hope to see you (if only from behind a mask) soon.