Happy Plant Sale and Open Farm!

The annual PFP Plant Sale is a great public and member event. Come to Poughkeepsie Farm Project on May 7th and 14th, from 9am to 2pm, when we will be selling nearly 100 varieties of vegetables, flowers and herbs raised in our greenhouse, as well as beautiful PFP merchandise.  Please bring containers/boxes to put 4 inch pots and plugs into.

These plant sale days are also Open Farm Days, where you can join us on a tour of the farm, meet the staff and board, learn about our programs and activities, and find out how to sign up for shareholder work hours on our new system. Our farm managers will also lead a new CSA member orientation at noon. Don’t forget to stop by the Membership Booth to see if you are eligible to receive free plants!

Poughkeepsie Farm Project is located on the Vassar Farm and Ecological Preserve at the intersection of Hooker and Raymond Avenues in Poughkeepsie, New York. Follow the driveway down past the red barn to the parking lot.

Proceeds from the Plant Sale support upgrades to farm operations and equipment. Proceeds from merchandise sales and membership donations support our education and food access programs.